
Internet advertising - 1

published on : Saturday, June 1, 2024

Advertising has ruined the internet. The most visible example of this is on search engine results, closely followed by every social media feed ever. Right off the bat, I have to take some blame for it because I once worked on ad-campaign creation and optimization flows for enterprise customers. Maybe I can make up for the small part I played by sharing some of the stuff I do to avoid internet advertising as aggressively as possible.

I feel the need to explain why I hate internet ads (and ads in general) so much: Internet advertising has ruined the web. It has made something that could have been really cool and useful into a wasteland: just today, I tried to look up a blog I remember reading a while back where the author had written about AI and how an ‘AI model’ is just a long equation with thousands of terms. I remembered a few exact phrases the author had used, and when I searched for them, I was greeted with multiple pages of SEO spam and endless ads. As a programmer, my googling searching skills are top-notch, even so, I failed to find it and gave up looking for it after about 20 minutes (which included me signing up to use a new search engine).

Apart from the obviously frustrating experience of not being able to find what you found before, internet advertising has done the following damage:

(A few people will argue that they actually found a few things via ads which made their lives better. Here’s the thing though: If you needed those things, odds are you would have walked into a store and asked for them, or at least, searched for them on the internet)

Anyway, onto some helpful tips/tricks to minimize ads exposure:

Hopefully readers who are interested in blocking ads find the above tips useful. I will post more about this topic of internet and how it’s evolved and how my usage of the web has evolved over the years on this blog.