
Accidentally creating a new programming language

published on : Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Last week I wrote about the so-called “low-code, no-code” software tools that promise much, but deliver little. This post explores a similar phenomenon which I’ve observed at software companies. These are places which are (presumably!) in the business of selling software, so you’d reasonably expect engineers to know how to write good code. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case.

Anyway, today, I want to talk about a phenomenon that I’ve observed frequently:

The tendency to accidentally create a new programming language when building systems. (heavy emphasis on “accidentally”)

This may seem a little strange - after all, creating a new programming language is quite hard, and creating a new good programming language is even harder. So my claim that random developers are doing this everywhere, all the time seems untrue.

I’ve seen this happen in multiple companies, on multiple teams. To understand why this seems to happen, we should first revise our understanding of what a programming language is. Most people think of languages like C, C++, Java, JavaScript, etc when they think of programming languages. Let’s forget about these for a second, and re-think what a programming language is, when it’s reduced to it’s bare-bones definition:

Quoting from wikipedia on Programming language::

A programming language is a system of notation for writing computer programs. Programming languages are described in terms of their syntax (form) and semantics (meaning), usually defined by a formal language.

Later in the same article:

John C. Reynolds emphasizes that formal specification languages are just as much programming languages as are the languages intended for execution. He also argues that textual and even graphical input formats that affect the behavior of a computer are programming languages, despite the fact they are commonly not Turing-complete, and remarks that ignorance of programming language concepts is the reason for many flaws in input formats.

I propose this loose(r) definition of a programming language:

Any piece of code that take other code or data as input and applies a series of operations/transformations on that input, to program a system, which can act like a finite state machine - that is, end up in a different state, as the final state based on input.

With this definition in mind, I can quote a few examples where devs have created bad programming languages by accident:

Exhibit A:

A team I was once on was responsible for building a new ad format. Since this new ad-format was interactive (users could interact with the initial ad to get different subsequent ads), and quite novel, product wanted us to create a few “ad-format-templates” for various use-cases - Like how powerpoint gives you a set of templates you can use as a starting point for your presentation.

A reasonable way to model this in an object oriented way is to have an entity called “Ad.java” and another called “AdTemplate.java” or something and clearly define the relationship between these two entities.

Instead, the implementation tried to “re-use” code that already deals with “Ad” with some “special markers” to indicate which ads are you know - “actual ads”, and which are “Ad templates”. The “templates” were hand-crafted JSON(!!) stored as flat-files on the server, and these files would be returned when GET /ad-templates api call was made. The JS in the browser would parse the returned json and create “actual ads” from the “ad template” json when customers created their advertisements.

Of course, the “special markers” were hand-crafted in the JSON files, and the frontend JS code was the only thing that understood those markers and how to process them - An accidental programming language is born!

There was no relationship between the template and the ad once an ad was created. There was nothing in the system that explained how these two entities interacted. You had to be there I guess! This made it impossible to answer basic queries like “Give me a list of all ads that were created by a specific ad template.”

As the system grew and more features were requested, developers started adding more special markers in these handcrafted json files, and the corresponding logic that did different things in the frontend JS. Instead of a using a real programming language which is easy to read and write, devs were hand-editing 1000+ line json files and updating the JavaScript that deals with these files (essentially the interpreter that understood their syntax) for each template/edge-case they encountered.

Exhibit B:

Long ago, in a place far away, I inherited a JS codebase that tried to make things “generic”.

The original developers, in their misguided attempt to make things “generic” and “declarative”, had invented a new programming language by accident but had not realized it yet.

You would define any new UI widget you wanted to put up, not by writing UI components, but by creating a “configuration” object that was just a plain old javascript object which had a bunch of keys which all had special meaning to this ad-hoc, bug-ridden “framework”. You would then call a method and pass this configuration object to that method and the “framework” would parse this configuration object, and create various UI elements like buttons, inputs, etc and place them.

Instead of a generic system, they had ended up creating a bug-ridden DSL and hadn’t even realized it. It was a wonder that the whole thing worked at all - as a developer on this repo, I saw a steady stream of regression issues whenever a new release was pushed to users. As the system grew, and features had to be built that interacted with existing UI, the configuration specification grew with it. A lot of the keys were boolean values, so it looked something like:

...more config above...
disableClicksIfUserPreferenceIsUndefined: true,
enablePersistentFilterForNonProUsers: false,
showConflictsOnFieldsWithConflicts: false,
disableDropdownBtn: true,
disableActionBtnsForUser: true,
onConfirmMsgText: 'Are you sure?'
bannerMsg: 'Needs attention',
headerClassNames='foo-bar foobar-baz',
... more config below...

Some files were just 100s of lines of configs like the above, and you had to follow a property in the config object like 5 levels down in the call hierarchy to see how it interacted with others, and what the final effect of specifying a property was. Oh btw, the framework used global variables liberally :) Fun.

As new use-cases emerged, people had no choice but to introduce more booleans into the configuration with special meanings associated with them. I began calling this style of programming “FLag-Oriented-Programming” or “FLOP” as a shorthand. No one could get rid of all the old booleans which were superseded by the ones that were added later because the surface area you would have to touch was simply too large. The system wasn’t testable at all. Eventually, I moved teams and was able to put this behind me. Never again.

Creating a programming language - can be a very rewarding experience, and is one of the essential ways of taming complexity as a software system grows. Provided it’s done deliberately and intentionally.

There is a name for this technique: Metalinguistic Abstraction [The essense of this idea is to define a series of languages - where each language in the series deals with a specific level of abstraction, and the higher-level languages are built on top of the lower-level ones, all the way down.]

I’ve seen systems that have built such languages intentionally, defining the boundaries of what can, and cannot be expressed, with a specific syntax and semantics. They are wonderful to use/work-with.

Unfortunately, the accidental creation of programming languages occurs much more frequently. It’s time for developers to recognize when they’re about to make such sub-optimal design decisions and to be extra-careful when building large systems.